Full Day Eco Tours

$150 USD/Per-person
Lamanai Mayan Site & River Tour
Depart from any Hotel In Belize City Or Water taxi terminal. Take an short Scenic drive through the old capital (Belize City) then connect on to The Philip Goldson Highway formally know as the Northern highway. This highway connect Belize to Mexican border.It take approximately One Hour Fifteen Minutes drive traveling throughout Belize rural area consist of small villages and community, Until you arrive in a town known as orange walk town from there you take one hour boat ride on the new river to get to the pristine beauty of Lamanai, often to see species of birds and crocodile. Lamanai is the Maya word for ” submerged crocodile” and Belize’s largest Acient ceremonial center. Lamania was occupied as early as the 16th century B.C
It is one of the only site retaining its original name. Most other sites derive their names from the archaeologist who discovered and investigated them.
Orange Walk District
Duration Time: 9 hours
Include: Fully Guided Tour, Water, Lunch & Beverage

$220 USD/Per-person
Actun Tunichil Muknal (ATM Cave)
Depart from any Hotel in Belize City or Water taxi Terminal. Take an short scenic drive through the old capital (Belize CIty) Then Connect on to The George Price Highway formally known as the Western highway. This Highway connect Belize to the Guatemala Border. It take an Hour thirty minutes drive drift passing by Hattie Ville Village, The Belize zoo, small villages and Belmopan City the capital of Belize, Until you arrive in Cayo District from there hike through the lush tropical forest, cross streams to get there. Here you will find Maya artifacts just the way they were left by the Mayas hundreds of years ago. The best known is the “The Crystal Maiden”, the skeletons of what to Believe is a 17 year-old boy. A sacrifice victim, whose bones haven calcified to a sparkling and crystallized appearance. The Ceramics at the site are significant, they are mark with “kill hole” (holes created to release spirits lurking within) The Maya also modified cave formation here to create altars for the offerings, in other to create silhouettes of faces and animal or to project a shadow image into the cave.
Cayo District
Duration Time: 9 hours
Include: Fully Guided Tour, Water, Lunch & Beverage

9 hrs, $160 USD/Per-person
Xunantunich Mayan Site & Cave-tubing
Depart From any Hotel In Belize City Or water Taxi Terminal. Take a short scenic drive through the old capital (Belize city) then connect on to the George Price Highway formally known as The Western Highway. This highway connect Belize to the Guatemala Border. It take about 2 hours and 30 Minutes drive Seeing the vegetation of Flora & Fauna, small villages, Belmopan City (capital of Belize), People and culture. When reaching San Jose Succotz, Cayo District, you take a short ferry boat ride to get across the Mopan River and it provides an impressive view of the entire river valley. from there you take another 5 mins drive to set foot onto Xunantunich meaning “maiden of the rock” or “stone lady” in Maya. it serve as a Maya civic ceremonial centre to the Belize valley region in the Late Classic and Terminal classic period. At the time the region was at its peak nearly 200,000 people live here in Belize. the site core occupies only 2,700 square feet within sight of the Guatemala border. After the site tour we then make our way back toward the George price Highway for an hour heading to the Jaguar Paw, Cave Branch. from there we then geared up With life Jackets, tube and headlight helmet. Hike for atleast 30 minutes through pristine rainforest until you get to the cave entrance, from there you sit in an inner tube glide down into darkness guided by a Trained tour guide.
Cayo District
Duration time: 9 hours
Include: Fully Guided Tour, Water, Lunch & Beverage

$200 USD/Per Person
Xunantunich, Zip-Lining & Cave-Tubing
Depart from any Hotel In Belize City Or Water taxi terminal. One Of the Top Notch Combination Tour you must Experience to dicover the true Belize. Take a short scenic drive through Belize City then connect on to the George Price Highway approximately 2 hours and 30 Minutes drive seeing Small villages, Belmopan City known as the (capital of Belize), People, culture and throughout San Ignacio Town . Until you arrive in San Jose Sucottz, Cayo District you then take a short ferry ride to get across the Mopan River and it provides an impressive view of the entire river valley. From there you take another 5 minutes drive to see the Prestine beauty of Xunantunich meaning “maiden of the rock” or Stone Lady in Maya and is within the site of the Guatemala Border. After sight tour you then head back towards the ferry and continue the way into San Ignacio Town to have Lunch. We then make our way toward the George Price Highway approximately for a hour to get to Jaguar Paw, cave Branch upon arrival at the designated starting point, your guide will equip you with Life jackets,inner tube, helmet and headlamp. Then embark on a 30 minutes hike pointing out interested aspects of Flora & Fauna until arrive at the Cave entrance where you get to experience a real life journey through the Maya underworld “XIBALBA”.
Cayo District
Duration Time: 10 hours
Include: Fully Guided Tour, Water, Lunch & Beverage

$180 USD/Per-person
Altun Ha, Zip-Lining & Cave-Tubing
Depart from any Hotel in Belize City or Water taxi Terminal.
Cayo District
Duration Time: 9 hours
Include: Fully Guided Tour, Water, Lunch & Beverage

6 hrs, 145 USD/Per-person
Baboon Sanctuary & Altun Ha
Depart From any Hotel In Belize City Or water Taxi Terminal.Take a scenic Drive through the old capital (Belize City) then connect on the Philip Goldson Highway formally known as the Northern Highway. It take approximately 40 minutes drive throughout Belize rural area Includes 7 villages. Baboon Sanctuary is a protected area in Belize and is located 31 Miles Northwest of Belize City on The northern Highway. It was establish in 1985 to help address the threats of agriculture, logging and hunting of the Black Howler Monkey.
Belize Rural Area
Duration time: 9 hours
Included: Fully Guided Tour, Water, Lunch & Beverage

8 hrs, $135 USD /Per-person
Altun Ha & Cave-tubing
Depart from any hotel or Water taxi terminal in Belize City .Take an Scenic drive through the old capital (Belize City) Then connect on to the Philip Goldson Highway formally known as the Northern Highway Take an hour drive throughout the rural area of nothern Belize until you arrive at Altun Ha. The Ancient site of Altun Ha, once served as a major trading center in the lowland Maya area. It consists of two main plazas, also home to the largest Jade head carving ever discovered. After the site tour we then head back on to the Philip Goldson Highway until we get to the intersection of Burrel Boom Road which connects us to the George Price Highway another thirty minutes drive to get to Jaguar Paw cave branch.
Orange Walk District
Duration time: 9 hours
Include: Fully Guided Tour, Water, Lunch & Beverage

9 hrs, $140 US /person
9 hrs, $140/person
$140 USD/Per-person
Belize Zoo & Altun Ha
Depart from any hotel or Water taxi terminal in Belize City. take a scenic drive through the old capital ( Belize City) then connect on the George Price Highway formally known as the western Highway. take an Forty Five Minutes drive passing by Hattie ville a community created after hurricane Hattie in 1961 that devastated Belize City. The Belize zoo A tropical educational center founded in 1983, here you will find over 100 exhibit of all native animals of Belize in their natural habitat, one of a kind in Central America and from there you take a scenic route to the Ancient site of Altun Ha
Duration time: 8 hours
Include: Fully Guided Tour, Lunch, Water Beverage

$160 USD/Per-person
Belize Zoo & Xunantunich
Depart from any hotel or Water taxi terminal in Belize City. take a scenic drive through the old capital then connect to the George Price Highway formally known as the Western Highway. This highway connect to the Guatemala border. take an two thirty minutes drive to get to Xunantunich seeing the vegetation of Flora and fauna, small village, Capital of Belize, people and culture. When reaching San Jose Succotz, Cayo District, you take a short ferry boat ride to get across the Mopan River and provides an impressive view of the entire river valley. from there you take another 5 mins drive to set foot onto Xunantunich meaning “maiden of the rock” or “stone lady” in Maya. it serve as Maya civic ceremonial centre to the Belize valley region in the Late and Terminal classic period. At the time the region was at its peak nearly 200,000 people live here in Belize. the site core occupies only 2,700 square feet within sight of the Guatemala border. after site tour we then head back to the George Price Highway for at least an hour thirty minutes drive to get to the Belize Zoo, Meet the native animal of Belizes in thier natural hibitat
Cayo District
Duration Time: 9 hours
Include: Fully Guided Tour, Lunch, Water & Beverage

$140 USD/Per-person
Cave tubing & Zip lining
Depart from any hotel or Water taxi terminal.Take a scenic drive through the old capital ( Belize City) then connect on to the George Price Highway formally know as the Western Highway. This highway connects Belize to the Guatemala border, take an Forty Five minutes drive passing by Hattie ville a community created after hurricane hattie in 1961 that devastated Belize City. Zip lining at a 1,000 ft long and 140 ft high Enjoying a birds-eye view while “flying” over the river and trees. Cave tubing and zip lining is one of most popular excursion in Belize combined on the same day relaxing and educational tour. After Zip lining you then Hike for 30 minutes throughout pristine rainforest then tube down the refreshing Cave branch river.
Cayo District
Duration time: 8 hours
Include: Fully Guided Tour, Water, Lunch & Beverage

$200 USD/Per-person
Xunantunich & Horseback Riding
Depart form any hotel or Water taxi terminal in Belize City. Take a scenic drive through the old capital ( Belize City) then connect to George Price Highway formally Known as the Western Highway take an Two hours Thirty minutes drive seeing vegetation of flora & Fauna, Belize Zoo, Villages, Belmopan City( Capital of Belize), people and culture. When reaching San Jose Succotz, Cayo District, you take a short ferry boat ride to get across the Mopan River and provides an impressive view of the entire river valley. from there you take another 5 mins drive to set foot onto Xunantunich. Lore the natural beauty of western Belize on horseback, Some of the best kept horses in Belize.
Cayo District
Duration time: 9 hours
Include: Fully Guided Tour, Water, Lunch & Beverage

145 USD/Per-person
Belize Zoo & Cave Tubing
Journey through the Maya underworld called “Xibalba”. Your Journey takes you through a series of caves each filled with fascinating discoveries. Learn where the ancient Mayans worship and sacrificed.
Cayo District
Duration time: 9 hours
Include: Fully Guided Tour, Water, Lunch & Beverage

$ 110 USD/Per-person
A Trail Of 2 City Belize City & Altun Ha
Depart from any hotel or Water taxi terminal.Take a scenic drive through the old capital ( Belize City) then connect on to the George Price Highway formally know as the Western Highway. This highway connects Belize to the Guatemala border, take an Forty Five minutes drive passing by Hattie ville a community created after hurricane hattie in 1961 that devastated Belize City. Zip lining at a 1,000 ft long and 140 ft high Enjoying a birds-eye view while “flying” over the river and trees. Cave tubing and zip lining is one of most popular excursion in Belize combined on the same day relaxing and educational tour. After Zip lining you then Hike for 30 minutes throughout pristine rainforest then tube down the refreshing Cave branch river.
Belize City & Rural Belize
Duration time: 7 hours
Include: Fully Guided Tour, Water, Beverage & Lunch

$140 USD/Per-person
Belize Botonial Garden
Depart form any hotel or Water taxi terminal in Belize City. Take a scenic drive through the old capital ( Belize City) then connect to George Price Highway formally Known as the Western Highway take an Two hours Thirty minutes drive seeing vegetation of flora & Fauna, Belize Zoo, Villages, Belmopan City( Capital of Belize), people and culture. When reaching San Jose Succotz, Cayo District, you take a short ferry boat ride to get across the Mopan River and provides an impressive view of the entire river valley. from there you take another 5 mins drive to set foot onto Xunantunich. Lore the natural beauty of western Belize on horseback, Some of the best kept horses in Belize.
Cayo District ( Western Belize)
Duration time: 8 hours
Include: Fully Guided Tour, Water, Lunch & Beverage

250 USD/Per-person
Tikal Mayan Site Tour
The ruin of an ancient city which was likely to have been called Yax Mutal found in a rainforest in Guatemala. Tikal was the capital of a conquest state that became one of the most powerful kingdoms of the ancient Maya and is the best understood of any of the large lowland Maya cities, with a long dynastic ruler list, the discovery of the tombs of many of the rulers on this list and the investigation of their monuments, temples and palaces
Duration time: Full Tour 13 hours
Include: Lunch, Guided Tour & Beverage

10hrs, $190 USD/Per-person
Cahal Pech, Cave Tubing & Zip Lining
Cayo District
Duration time: 10 hours
Include: Fully Guide Tour, Water, Lunch & Beverage

$175 USD/Per-person
Crooked Tree Wild Life Sanctuary
Depart from any Hotel or Water taxi terminal in Belize City. Take an Scenic drive through the city then connect on to The Phillip Goldson Highway formally known as the Northern Highway. This highway connect Belize to the Mexican border. It takes approximately an hour drive throughout Belize Rural area consist of small villages and Community. Crooked Tree wildlife Sanctuary is a protected area in Belize. The Jabiru Stork is Crooked Tree most famous Bird and has the largest nesting population of these great birds in Central America. Jabiru Storks arrive in November to nest in the lowland pine savannas area. Two pairs of Jabiru are known to nest within the sanctuary. After the young fledge, in April and May, the bird from the northern and central parts of Belize congregate at Crooked Tree Lagoon. The sanctuary Contains 16,400 acres of lagoons, creeks, log wood swamp, broad leaf forest and pine savanna home to hundreds of species of wildlife. During the dry season many resident and migratory birds find refuge in the lagoon. When the rains come the bird leave to return again the following November. The sanctuary protects globally endangered species including the Central American River Turtle locally known as (Hicatee), Mexican black howler monkey, and Yellow headed parrot.
Crooked Tree Village
Duration time: 8 hours
Include: Fully Guide Tour, Water, Lunch & Beverage

130 USD/Per-person
Big Rock Fall Mountain Pine ridge
Depart from any Hotel or Water taxi terminal in Belize City. Take a scenic drive through the city then connect on to the George Price Highway formally known as the Western Highway. This Highway connect Belize to Guatemala border. It take an Two hours drive Seeing the vegetation of Flora & Fauna, small villages, Belmopan City, People and culture until your Destination. Tucked into the Mountain Pine Ridge Forest reserve this waterfall literally prompts you jaw to drop once lay eyes upon it. After numerous wooden stairways plunging into the forest, you will arrive at the bottom where the 150 foot waterfall stand launching yourself off a rock cliff or rather a more relaxing entrance simply dipping into the pool is just what you need. One of the top spot to visit while vacationing in Belize. If your looking for a fun day trip visit this unique water fall in the western Belize in the Cayo District. The river is a picnic area to relax and watch swimmers enjoying the natural water slide made by smooth rushing water.
Cayo District
Duration time: 8 Hours
Include: Fully Guided Tour, Water, Lunch & Beverage

$230 USD/Per-person
Caracol Mayan site
Depart from any Hotel or Water taxi terminal in Belize City. Take a scenic drive through the city then connect on to the George Price Highway formally known as the Western Highway. This highway connect Belize to the Guatemala border. It take an Three hours drive Seeing the vegetation of Flora & Fauna, small villages, Belmopan City, People and culture until arriving at Caracol site. Caracol is the largest known Maya site in Belize. A major prehistoric Mayan city it is now known that the site was one of the most important regional political center of the Maya lowlands during the early classic period. This Maya society being composed of two classes – a small, wealthy elite and a large suppressed peasantry.The findings at Caracol include several royal and elite burials. One of these is 1,600 hundred years old, and contained the remains of an important ruler of the site. Another tomb 1,300 hundred years old held member of the family reigned over a kingdom of some 7,000 square miles. Out of several hundred excavated burial, about 70 formal tombs have been studied. The Maya buried their dead ruler and royals separately more than one person within the same tomb. The Maya actually integrated the dead into the world of living by placing their dead in specially construction buildings that were part of their living complex.